Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (short coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Adult : : X-Large
Yoda is a friendly male Pit mix. He is approx 3-4 years old and approx 50 lbs. Yoda is friendly with other dogs, good with kids.
In order to foster, you must reside within 40 miles of Minneapolis, MN. If you are not within this radius but are interested in adopting, please fill out the pre- adoption form and we can connect you with the foster home when the dog is here and ready to meet families.
Adoption fees range from $325-$650 + MN SALES TAX (youngest puppies usually on the higher end, if our vet spays or neuters them (otherwise young puppies $450-$485
if adopter finishes their vetting with a signed spay/neuter contract) seniors on the low end, all others somewhere in between).
All dogs age appropriate vetted:
Spayed or Neutered More about YodaGood with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Playful, Affectionate, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle Apply to adopt or foster this animal: