Unknown breed (short coat) : : Female (not spayed) : : Baby
Daisy is a sweet little puppy that is looking for her forever home! She is about 15 lbs at 4 mos. She "could" be a little Collie mix, but we really do not know her breed mix, as she came from Tijuana (originally a stray or her Mama was a stray). Daisy is a little shy at first with new dogs but warms up pretty quickly. She is very playful, will play tug. She loves to dig in the snow - will be a great MN dog! Daisy is doing great in the crate and sleeps through the night. She is good with kids and cat salso.
Interested in
adopting? Please complete a form
at https://redemptionroadrescue.rescuegroups.org/forms/form?formid=4003 .
Puppy adoption fee is $450.00 + tax for the age appropriate vetting they have had so far (2 DHPP vaccines, deworming on a schedule, and will come with microchip). Puppies will still need: eventual spay or neuter (recommended when closer to 9-12 months old. We recommend researching this topic and consulting with your vet). If you would like the puppy altered at our vet, the adoption fee increases to $650.00 + tax (adopter is responsible for the in between vaccines). Altering the puppy at your vet, at your own cost, means the adoption fee is $450.00 + tax, with signature on a spay/neuter contract. redemptionroad.mn@gmail.com http://redemptionroadrescue.rescuegroups.org https://www.facebook.com/RedemptionRoadRescue (Message us!) More about DaisyGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle, Goofy Apply to adopt or foster this animal: