Foxhound (medium coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Adult : : Large
Wally is the sweetest Hound you will ever meet! He was found by a rescue advocate in KY and the poor guy had been shot in the neck! He's approx 2 years old and 45 lbs. Thankfully the vet was able to help him and he has been healing great and seems to now be in great health. He is fully vetted and ready to move forward in rescue to a foster home here and/or an adoptive home (or a foster to adopt home!) Wally is the sweetest friend you will find. He absolutely loves everyone and everything. On his walks, he just loves to meet other people and other dogs. He would be a great dog park dog. Hounds can be loungey in the home but also need to express their energy, and curiosity - drives to explore and smell things, so a home that understands that and can get Wally out for walks, and/or trips to the dog park, etc. would be in his best interest. Interested fostering or adopting or "Foster to adopt?" Please complete an appropriate interest application at
All animals fully vetted appropriate for age: More about WallyGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Playful, Affectionate, Intelligent, Gentle Apply to adopt or foster this animal: